Managed Service Tag - Kutztown, Pennsylvania | Lantek


    You know what they say: “Don’t make a promise that you can’t keep.” Making promises to your clients and customers can be a sticky business, and we all know that IT can be a bit unpredictable, making promises difficult to manage. Still, we’re confident that we can promise the following three guarantees for your business.

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    If your business has a server room—or maybe just a small, stuffy closet with some machines in it—you might wonder if you’re taking care of it properly. Servers need constant care to work their best, and if you’re unsure how to manage them, it’s smart to get help from a managed IT company. This way, your servers are in good hands, and you get the most out of them.

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    Technology plays a huge role in how businesses operate today. To get the most out of it, investing in and maintaining reliable IT systems is essential. However, not all businesses have the time, staff, or budget to handle IT needs on their own.

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    With Artificial Intelligence (AI) a huge deal in business computing, it stands to reason that every business should look into AI tools that can help them support their products and services in the best way possible. One place that AI is being deployed is in IT support and today we will go through whether it is worth it or not. 

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    When we call ourselves a managed service provider (MSP), it still isn’t common knowledge what we mean by that. Perhaps the simplest way to describe our role is to call us an outsourced IT support provider, but even this definition falls short of the value we can offer. To remedy this, we wanted to review what one of our clients expects (and rightly so) to receive from a partnership with us.

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    How much technology does your business use day in and day out? More likely than not, it’s a lot, and we’d bet good money on the fact that you could be doing more to manage it. That said, it’s not always clear how to go about doing it, especially if you don’t have any in-house IT talent to handle this considerable responsibility. With managed services, you can overcome this challenge. Let’s go over what these are and how they work.

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    We could (and usually do) talk about managed services all day long…and to be honest, it’s easy to do, just because there are so many ways that they benefit a business. Today, we wanted to focus our attention on one specific benefit that managed services offer: the inherent proactivity they feature.

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    One thing that will always be useful in business and in life is the ability to think critically. You might find that it’s even more helpful when considering decisions related to your IT infrastructure, too. Let’s go over how you can foster these skills within yourself and your employees.

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    While reliable technology support has always been important, the sudden and widespread adoption of remote work by so many businesses has made it an essential component for an organization’s success. However, for your team members to have technology that continues to serve them as they do so, it is important that they are able to receive the same support as they would in the office.

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    Bad news—thanks to four flaws in Microsoft Exchange Server software, over 60,000 individuals and organizations have had their emails stolen by a cyberespionage unit based in China, with over 30,000 of those targeted being in the United States. Let’s review what has taken place up to the time of this writing, and what can be done about it.

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