If your business has a server room—or maybe just a small, stuffy closet with some machines in it—you might wonder if you’re taking care of it properly. Servers need constant care to work their best, and if you’re unsure how to manage them, it’s smart to get help from a managed IT company. This way, your servers are in good hands, and you get the most out of them.
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Technology plays a huge role in how businesses operate today. To get the most out of it, investing in and maintaining reliable IT systems is essential. However, not all businesses have the time, staff, or budget to handle IT needs on their own.
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With Artificial Intelligence (AI) a huge deal in business computing, it stands to reason that every business should look into AI tools that can help them support their products and services in the best way possible. One place that AI is being deployed is in IT support and today we will go through whether it is worth it or not.
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Nobody likes getting big, unexpected bills from tech companies—neither the business owners who have to pay them nor the employees who might feel responsible for causing them. Small businesses face a tough choice: spend money to keep employees productive or save money and deal with slowdowns.
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Small businesses often face a range of technology-related challenges that can disrupt the efficiency of their business. Being able to understand the common issues—such as network connectivity problems, outdated technology, or cybersecurity—is the first step toward keeping business running smoothly. By identifying these recurring problems, businesses can anticipate potential disruptions and prepare strategies to reduce their risk.
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You would be hard-pressed to find anything more important to a company’s success than information technology. Today, we want to cover five of the most important tools modern businesses can use to improve operations and engage in commonly known and standardized best practices.
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The definition of sustainability, according to the United Nations, is “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Originally coined in 1987, this definition has fueled businesses' efforts to work toward their own versions of sustainability, as per their service models. Let’s look at some ways you can make your own operations more sustainable.
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With the threat landscape littered with companies that don’t take their IT security seriously, it's hardly surprising that many are embracing what's known as a zero-trust policy to fortify their security measures. What exactly does zero-trust entail, and why does it prove so formidable in thwarting potential risks for your enterprise? Let's delve into this topic in today's blog post.
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Oftentimes, a technology issue has less to do with the technology itself and more with the one using it. User error is simply one of the biggest reasons why technology support is asked for, and it’s such a common occurrence that it leads to many users becoming the butt of jokes among IT workers. People who provide IT support must practice empathy and understanding rather than foster this antagonistic mindset amongst teams.
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Chances are, some of your employees operate outside the traditional office setting, whether it's occasional remote work or a permanent setup. Consequently, your business needs to furnish your team with the necessary tools and resources to ensure their success. It's a good practice to carefully evaluate the technology you provide, particularly for those who work remotely part-time, and to strategize how your team will access these resources.
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