Cybersecurity Tag - Kutztown, Pennsylvania | Lantek


    One of the most effective ways to reduce cyber risks is through comprehensive employee cybersecurity training. You protect your organization by ensuring that your workforce has the knowledge and skills needed to identify and thwart potential threats. Here are five essential considerations for implementing successful employee cybersecurity training programs.

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    With the holiday season upon us and online shopping surging, instances of scams targeting the popular e-commerce platform Amazon have become increasingly common. The majority of these scams involve impersonation tactics, posing a significant threat to unsuspecting users. With the festive season underway, it's crucial to be aware of the types of Amazon scams prevalent and take measures to avoid falling victim to them.

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    Cyberattacks are horrifically dangerous to any business, especially for small ones that might not have the resources to protect themselves with top-dollar solutions or preventative solutions to bounce back afterward. Today, we want to explore what really causes cyberattacks and how even slight changes to behaviors and situations can be indicative of danger.

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    A modern network, when properly configured and protected with modern cybersecurity tools, can be extremely secure. Since that’s been the trend for some organizations over the years, hackers have been looking for ways around the security many businesses have in place. If hackers can’t break in through normal means, they will turn to other, more insidious methods, like phishing attacks, to get what they are after.

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    In our blog, we talk about security and data breaches all the time. We tell you how you can take efforts to avoid them and how to prepare your organization for the inevitability of being exposed to them. With all that security talk, we should briefly describe the difference between a security breach and a data breach, because they are two different things that get lumped together quite a bit.

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    Cybercrime is up, way up. This is problematic for businesses in general, but can be a really serious issue for those companies that don’t have security measures in place that can thwart potential attacks. Today, we’ll talk briefly about how big of a problem cybercrime is and some steps your business can take to keep from becoming a statistic. 

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    When it comes to mobile devices, you have a fine line to tread with security. On one hand, you want to make sure your devices are protected properly from all manners of threats. On the other, you need to balance this with productivity, and ensuring that your employees don’t feel overly restricted by your policies. To help you implement appropriate mobile device security practices, we’ve put together three of the top issues you should plan for and how you can address them.

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    Millions of people find themselves sitting in front of a computer moving files around and corresponding with people over the phone, through email, or updating info in the company’s line of business app. What many of them don’t know, however, is that, at any time, they are only a couple of clicks away from causing major problems for their company. Therefore, it is extremely important to train your staff on what to look for and how to address those situations when they do arise.

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    Cybercrime is often thought of as a loner’s game. There is this misconception that all hacks are carried out by hoodie-clad people in dark corners of a room. Nothing could be further from the truth. Today, we will take a brief look at organized cybercrime and why its growth is an ominous sign for businesses.

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    Google Chrome is a widely used and popular web browser, and because of its popularity, it is a common target for hackers. A recent study showcases how there are more zero-day threats being discovered for Google Chrome, but don’t despair; it might not be a bad thing for your favorite web browser. Instead, it could signify exactly the opposite.

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