Communication Tag - Kutztown, Pennsylvania | Lantek


    Google Chat—the successor to Hangouts—offers a TON of features to its users, more so than most users probably realize. For instance, there are a lot of features buried under keyboard shortcuts. Let’s go over some of these shortcuts and what you can use them for in Google Chat.

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    Instant messaging is a solution that has picked up in the business world, and for good reason. While email allows for more passive communication, instant messaging allows for more instantaneous communication, similar to a phone call in its urgency. But are you using instant messaging in the proper way?

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    VoIP, the shortened form of Voice over Internet Protocol, can be considered the latest and greatest in telecommunication, a solution that is far superior to traditional landlines. Some businesses have embraced this technology with open arms, whereas others still cling to their landlines like their lives depend on it. At the end of the day, relying on your landline when a better solution exists is no different from throwing money away.

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    Discord is not considered a business-grade solution, but it does have some merits in terms of communications and collaboration. Let’s discuss some of the ways that this platform can be used to help your business. After all, there is a reason why it’s so beloved with its user base, so maybe you will find some value in it.

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    Businesses have long used telephony solutions of some sort, but the traditional landline is an archaic piece of technology in the modern office. You can take your organization to the next level with a more dynamic and flexible solution, one that has the same features without all of the headaches associated with traditional telephone systems. A Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) solution can completely change your communications for the better.

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    Imagine that you are a kid again and you get low marks on a test in school. The natural response from your parents and teachers is that you need to double down on studying for that subject, as it is clear that you struggle with it. The same can be said for any professional shortcomings, such as public speaking, interpersonal communication, and other performance-based skills. But what if we flipped this concept on its head and focused not on what our deficits are, but instead where our strengths lie?

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    Business communications have seen some significant changes, particularly with recent events being what they have been. Instead of your team members having the opportunity to simply turn to one another in the office, there are now added hoops that they must jump through. Let’s go into how your internal and external communications should adjust to meet these changes.

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    With the transition of broadband Internet from a helpful convenience to a prescient need for modern life and business, it is staggering to consider that access to this resource is not equally distributed. While the U.S. Federal Communications Commission intends to change this, they need data to help them gauge the true scope of the problem. To do so, the FCC is pulling out an application that they first released years ago: FCC Speed Test.

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    For many, working from home has been an adventure. A lot of workers were moved off site during the pandemic and now, a year later, are just now settling into working from home and the new expectations that this brings. People just had no idea how their job would change over the time they are away from their office. Today, we take a look at communications fatigue and what your business can do to help your remote workers from feeling overwhelmed. 

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